I want to introduce you to one of my favourite apps. It’s called Refill and is available for download worldwide on iPhone and Android. What is Refill? Refill started as a campaign to help people live with less plastic.
Sustainable living
A collection of 7 posts
Ten tweaks to reduce kitchen waste
1 - Turn kid cast-offs into breakfast If you’re a parent of a small child, you are likely very familiar with the apple with two bites out of it and the half-eaten banana. Rather than toss these into the
Maintaining a sustainable home office 🏡
Here are some easy tips you can use to keep sustainable when working from home. Unplug devices Even if an electronic device is not actively being used, if it is left plugged in, then the appliance continues to use energy.
A guide to sustainable home composting 🥑
You might have read the 6th report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report that painted a grim picture of our climate future. Fear not, I believe that our collective actions for a sustainable world is growing and
Here are a few tips to help you reduce your plastic use
Throughout July millions of people took up the challenge to reduce their plastic use. This movement is called Plastic Free July® - a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we
List of ethical and or sustainable fashion brands I've discovered
There are many things to consider when you decide to purchase clothes from labels with ethical and sustainable practices. Researching and buying ethically produced and sustainably sourced clothes can be tiresome. Are you the kind of person who cares more
Material Guide - Econyl
I think part of sustainable living should involve some interest in researching materials so that you can identify which materials are eco-friendly and have an ethical supply chain. So I've been researching a few materials recently and in this post,